Solutions of Curved Graphs from Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook Second Edition

Author:Karen Morrison & Nick Hamshaw
Upper Secondary: IGCSE

Karen Morrison Mathematics Solutions from Chapter 18 - Curved Graphs

Karen Morrison and Nick Hamshaw's Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook Second Edition detailed solutions to all the exercises of Curved Graphs for Upper Secondary: IGCSE are provided here. The topics covered are such as Derived Functions, Finding The Gradient Of A Curve and, Using Graphs To Solve Quadratic Equations. The points to remember in the Karen Morrison and Nick Hamshaw's Book Solutions is ideal for quick revision.

Practice Other Topics from Curved Graphs

The topic enumerates variables and values relating to quadratic equations. It describes axis of symmetry and turning point to draw quadratic graphs and solving equations. We will also learn to find the turning point by completing square.

The topic explains the sketching graphs of reciprocal functions using appropriate figures in a step-by-step manner. It also includes examples and questions to impart a better understanding to us.

This topic elaborates on the usage of graphs and certain methods to solve quadratic equations. It sums up the methods in a step-by-step manner. It also covers a bunch of examples for better understanding.

Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics Core and Extended Coursebook Second Edition>Algebra>Curved Graphs>Using Graphs to Solve Simultaneous Linear and Non-Linear Equations

This topic elaborates on using graphs to solve simultaneous linear and non-linear equations. We get acquainted with the formulas and their graphical examples. Some practice questions are also discussed.

In this topic, we discuss plotting cubic graphs, sketching cubic functions. We learn using graphs to solve higher-order equations. It further talks about exponential graphs using several examples.

In this topic, we will be acquainted with the concept of gradient and slope. The gradient is the degree of steepness of a graph at any point and the slope is the gradient of a graph at any point. Some related examples are also included.

In this topic, we will discuss concepts, such as differentiation, differentiating sums and differences, and equations of tangents. Turning points, and maximum and minimum points will also be taught.