Theory of Equations


Mathematics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Theory of Equations

This Chapter covers topics such as Equations in One Variable, Solution of Quadratic Equations, Nature of Roots, Transformation of Equations, Quadratic Expressions, Location of Roots, Reciprocal Equations and, Relations Between Roots and Coefficients

Practice Other Topics from Theory of Equations

This topic covers concepts, such as, Expression, Equation & Identity etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Equations in One Variable

This topic covers concepts, such as, Polynomial, Remainder Theorem, Polynomial Equation & Roots of a Polynomial Equation etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Solution of Quadratic Equations

This topic covers concepts, such as, Quadratic Equation, Roots of a Quadratic Equation, Solving a Quadratic Equation by Making Perfect Square & Quadratic Expression etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Relations Between Roots and Coefficients

This topic covers concepts, such as, Relation between Roots and Coefficients of a Quadratic Equation etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Transformation of Equations

This topic covers concepts, such as, Formation of Quadratic Equation, Formation of Quadratic Equation with Given Roots, Formation of Quadratic Equation when Symmetric Roots are Given & Formation of Equations when Symmetric Relations are Given etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Real and Imaginary Roots of a Quadratic Equation, Rational & Irrational Roots of a Quadratic Equation, Integral Roots of a Quadratic Equation & Conjugate Irrational Roots of a Quadratic Equation etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Condition for the Common Roots, Common Root of Two Quadratic Equations, Quadratic Equations with Both Roots Common & Quadratic Equations with Exactly One Common Root etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Sign of Quadratic Expressions

This topic covers concepts, such as, Properties of Graph of a Quadratic Expression, Sign of a Quadratic Expression & Quadratic Expressions Which are Always Positive/Negative etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Solution of Rational Inequalities Involving Quadratic Expressions, Wavy Curve Method & Solution of Simple Quadratic Inequalities etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Maximum and Minimum Values of a Quadratic Expression

This topic covers concepts, such as, Range of Rational Expressions, Absolute Range of a Quadratic Expression & Range of a Quadratic Expression in Given Domain etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Roots Lie in an Interval, Quadratic Equation with Both the Roots Greater than 'k', Condition for Atleast One Root in an Interval & Quadratic Equation with at Least One Root between 'a' and 'b' etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Reciprocal Equations & Solving Reciprocal Equations etc.

Mathematics>Algebra>Theory of Equations>Algebraic Equations of Higher Degree

This topic covers concepts, such as, Formation of Cubic Equation with Given Roots, Relation between Roots and Coefficients of Higher Degree Equation, Range Method to Solve Equations & Concept of Extraneous Roots etc.