Practice Other Chapters from Arithmetic
This chapter explains topics such as, operations on rational numbers and properties, distributive law of multiplication of rational numbers, properties of 1 and 0 as rational numbers, additive and multiplicative inverse of rational numbers, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as, concept of square and square roots, identification of perfect square number and relationship of its square roots and factors, finding square root of perfect square number by factorization method, relationship between digits of square number and its square root, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as, concept of cube and cube roots, finding cube root of perfect cube number, cube root of negative integers and cube root of product of two perfect cubes, cube root of rational and decimal numbers, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as, calculation of compound interest, rate of increase and decrease in the price of articles, etc.

This chapter explains topics such as, information about the banks, opening a bank account and type of accounts, bank drafts and lockers, cheques and types of cheques, etc.