

Arithmetic: Overview

Arithmetic covers chapters such as H.C.F and L.C.M, Integers, Whole Numbers, Fractions and Decimals, Basic Arithmetic and, Numbers All Around Us

Practice Other Chapters from Arithmetic

mathematics>Arithmetic>Numbers All Around Us

This chapter covers topics such as Methods of Numeration, Large Numbers in Daily Life, Estimation and Rounding off Numbers, Introduction to Number System and Comparison of Numbers.

mathematics>Arithmetic>Whole Numbers

This chapter covers topics such as Introduction to Whole Numbers, Whole Numbers on Number Line and Properties of Whole Numbers.

mathematics>Arithmetic>H.C.F and L.C.M

This chapter covers topics such as Factors, Divisibility Rules, Relationship between LCM and HCF, Least Common Multiple (LCM), Highest Common Factors (HCF), Methods of Prime Factorisation, and Prime and Composite Numbers.

This chapter covers topics such as Introduction to Integers, Integers on Number Line, and Addition and Subtraction of Integers.

mathematics>Arithmetic>Fractions and Decimals

This chapter covers topics such as Decimals, Uses of Decimal Fractions, Operations on Fractions, Fractions, Operations on Decimals and Comparing Fractions.

mathematics>Arithmetic>Basic Arithmetic

This chapter covers topics such as Ratio, Percentage, Proportion and Unitary Method.