Limits and Derivatives


Mathematics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Limits and Derivatives

This chapter covers topics, such as Limits of Polynomials and Rational Functions, First Principle of Differentiation, Limits of Trigonometric Functions & Introduction to Limits etc.

Practice Other Topics from Limits and Derivatives

This topic covers concepts, such as Limits, Definition of Limit of a Function, Algebra of Limits & Indeterminate Form 0/0 etc.

Mathematics>Differential Calculus>Limits and Derivatives>Limits of Polynomials and Rational Functions

This topic covers concepts, such as Finding Limits Using Factorisation & Finding Limits Using Rationalisation etc.

Mathematics>Differential Calculus>Limits and Derivatives>Limits of Trigonometric Functions

This topic covers concepts, such as Standard Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions, Finding Limits Using Standard Limits & Sandwich Theorem etc.

Mathematics>Differential Calculus>Limits and Derivatives>First Principle of Differentiation

This topic covers concepts, such as Basics of Differentiation, Definition of Derivative (dy/dx) & First Principle of Differentiation etc.

Mathematics>Differential Calculus>Limits and Derivatives>Algebra of Derivative of Functions

This topic covers concepts, such as Differentiation Rules, Addition Rule in Differentiation, Subtraction Rule in Differentiation, Constant Factor Rule, Product Rule in Differentiation & Quotient Rule in Differentiation etc.

Mathematics>Differential Calculus>Limits and Derivatives>Derivatives of Polynomials and Trigonometric Functions

This topic covers concepts, such as Differentiation of Algebraic Functions & Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions etc.