

Mathematics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Quadrilaterals

Through this chapter, we will learn the definition of a quadrilateral. It describes the various properties of quadrilateral through the activity and examples. It also briefs us about the various types of quadrilateral and their properties.

Practice Other Topics from Quadrilaterals

Mathematics>Geometry>Quadrilaterals>Properties of a Quadrilateral

This topic explains the different properties of quadrilaterals. It describes the angle sum property, which is used to find the sum of four interior angles of a quadrilateral with the help of examples.

Mathematics>Geometry>Quadrilaterals>Different Types of Quadrilaterals

Via this topic, we will understand the different types of quadrilaterals with the aid of a figure. The different types of quadrilaterals are based on the length of sides, diagonal, and measures of angles.

Mathematics>Geometry>Quadrilaterals>Parallelograms and their Properties

In this topic, we will discuss various properties of a parallelogram. We will also study the theorems related to the diagonals, sides, and angles of a parallelogram. In addition, it includes examples to explain these theorems.

Mathematics>Geometry>Quadrilaterals>Midpoint Theorem of Triangle

This topic covers two forms of the mid point theorem. It explains the relationship between the lines drawn from the midpoints of two sides of a triangle and the third side. Moreover, we will discuss some examples related to this theorem.