Chemistry: Overview
Chemistry covers chapters such as Water, Solution, Atomic Structure, Acids, Bases and Salts, Separation of Components of Mixtures and, Mole Concept
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This chapter covers topics such as Subatomic Particles, Atomic Models, Distribution of Electrons in Different Orbits(Shells), Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones and Iso-electronics, Electron Transitions and Formation of Cations, Composition of Atom, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Mole Concept, Molecular Mass and Formula Mass, Atomic Mass and Gram Atomic Mass, and Relation of Mole with Other Parameters.

This chapter covers topics such as Soaps and Detergents, Mixture, Solutions, Solubility, Strength of a Solution in Different Units, Colloids and Suspension, Crystals and Crystallisation, Emulsions, Dissolution of Ionic compound, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Chemical Properties of Some Important Acids and Bases, Salt and it's Classification, Bases, pH Scale and its Importance, Importance of pH in Everyday Life, Acids, Acid Rain, Neutralisation, Indicators, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Different Methods of Separation of Mixtures and Need of Separation of Components of Mixtures.

This chapter covers topics such as Purification of Water, Water Pollution, Importance of Water, Properties of Water, Soft Water and Hard Water, and Water—Universal Solvent and Introduction to Water.