Class XII
Practice Other Chapters from Class XII
The chapter discusses electric charges and fields, including conductor, insulators, basic properties of electric charge and Colulomb?? law. It also contains several questions which are included to test the learnings of the student.

This chapter highlights electrostatic potential and capacitance. Electrostatic potential due to point charge, electric dipole, and system of charges is explained here. It also sheds light on equipotential surfaces and electrostatics of conductors.

This chapter talks about the potential and potential difference of a cell, free electrons, and the current flowing through a wire. It also briefs on the conductors and insulators. Moreover, it discusses Ohm?? law and resistance.

The chapter discusses magnetic force, Ampere?? circuital law, the solenoid, the toroid and the moving coil galvanometer. It also contains some questions which test the learnings of the student.

The chapter discusses the bar magnet, magnetism and Gauss?? law, Earth?? magnetism, magnetisation and magnetic intensity. It also contains related questions which to test the conceptual understanding of the student.

This chapter talks about electromagnetic induction. We learn about Faraday's experiment, laws of electromagnetic induction, and Lenz's law. It also discusses a combination of Faraday's and Lenz's law, self and mutual induction, and Eddy currents.

This chapter illustrates the resonance in series and parallel LCR circuits. It describes the power in the AC circuit and Wattless current. It also discusses the working principle of a transformer.

This unit discusses the concepts related to electromagnetic waves and their production. We will learn about electromagnetic spectrum, emission spectra, absorption spectra, and Fraunhofer lines with the aid of experiments.

This chapter provides knowledge of semiconductor electronics. We will learn about the classification of metals, conductors, semiconductors, and intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. It also features the application of junction diode as a rectifier.

This unit discusses the basic elements of the communication system. It explains the propagation of electromagnetic waves through space and the need for modulation and its types. It also discusses the applications of communication technology.

This chapter emphasises the terms refraction and reflection of light through mirror and prism. It also deals with the concepts of ray optics and some optical instruments along with descriptive ray diagrams.

This chapter talks about wave optics. It explains Huygens??principle. We will learn about the interference of light, Young's experiment, Fresnel's biprism, and Lloyd's mirror, diffraction, and polarization.

This unit discusses the dual nature of radiation and matter. We will learn the photoelectric effect and its laws, quantization of energy, matter waves, and x-rays with numerous solved examples, experiments, and applications.

This chapter introduces students to atoms. They will learn about Alpha-particle scattering and Rutherford's nuclear model of atoms. It also helps them glean a deeper understanding of the Bohr model of hydrogen atom and the line spectra of hydrogen atom.

This chapter talks about nucleus, isobars, isotopes, isotones and isomers with examples. It also discusses radioactivity and properties of alpha, beta, gamma rays. It also explains about nuclear fission and reaction, and nuclear force, mass and density.