Current Electricity


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Current Electricity

This Chapter covers topics such as Ohm's Law, Electric Current, Electrical Resistivity and Conductivity, Conductors and Insulators, Electrical Resistance, Combinations of Resistors, Electrical Energy and Power and, Temperature Dependence of Resistance

Practice Other Topics from Current Electricity

This topic covers concepts, such as, Superconductors, Conductors, Materials, Classification of Materials, Insulators & Semiconductors etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Electric Current, Electric Current Density, Charge Flown when Current Is Constant, Charge Flown when Current Is Variable & Calculation of Charge Flown from Current-Time Graph etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Potential Difference, Ohm's Law, Ohm's Law in Vector Form & Electric Circuit etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Resistance of a Wire, Resistance, Resistance of a Cylindrical Shell between its Ends & Resistance of a Cylindrical Shell Across Inner and Outer Surface etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Electrical Resistivity and Conductivity

This topic covers concepts, such as, Resistivity of Various Materials, Resistivity & Conductivity etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Temperature Dependence of Resistance

This topic covers concepts, such as, Temperature Effect on Resistivity, Resistivity versus Temperature for Conductor, Resistivity versus Temperature for Alloy (Nichrome) & Resistivity versus Temperature for Semiconductor etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Drift Velocity, Mobility and Their Relation with Electric Current

This topic covers concepts, such as, Microscopic View of Electric Current, Drift Velocity, Variation of Drift Velocity in Non-uniform Cross-section Wire & Variation of Electric Field in Non-uniform Cross-section Wire etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>V-I Characteristics of Resistors

This topic covers concepts, such as, Non Ohmic Resistance & Ohmic Resistance etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Electric Power, Heat Produced in an Electrical Resistance, Power Transmission, Power Supplied by a Battery, Power Consumed by a Battery & Maximum Power Theorem etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Kirchhoff's Law, Kirchhoff's First Law, Short-circuiting & Earthing in Electric Circuit etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Parallel Combination of Resistors, Series Combination of Resistors, Power Distribution in Parallel Combination of Resistors & Power Consumed in a Parallel Combination of Resistors etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Electric Cell and Its combinations

This topic covers concepts, such as, Electric Cell, Potential Difference across Terminals of Battery Getting Discharged, Secondary Electric Battery & Mixed Grouping of Cells etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Measuring Instruments in Electric Circuit

This topic covers concepts, such as, Wheatstone Bridge, Balanced Wheatstone Bridge, Sensitivity of Post Office Box Experiment & Sensitivity of Potentiometer etc.