Current Electricity


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Current Electricity

This Chapter covers topics such as Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Law, Potentiometer, Electric Circuit, Wheatstone Bridge, Electric Current, Electric Cell, Limitations of Ohm’s Law, Meter Bridge, Combination of Resistances and, Electrical Accessories

Practice Other Topics from Current Electricity

This topic covers the concept of Electric Current.

This topic covers concepts such as Resistance, Ohm's Law, Ohm's Law in Vector Form, Resistance of a Wire, and Microscopic View of Electric Current.

This topic covers concepts such as Resistivity, Resistivity versus Temperature for Conductor, Resistivity versus Temperature for Alloy (Nichrome), Resistivity versus Temperature for Semiconductor, Temperature Versus Resistivity for Insulators, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Resistor, Color Code of Carbon Resistor, Tolerance of Carbon Resistor, Types of Resistors, Wire Bound Resistors, Carbon Resistors, Conductivity, and Conductance.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Potential Difference and Potential Drop

This topic covers the concept of Potential Difference.

This topic covers concepts such as Limitations of Ohm’s Law, Ohmic Resistance and Non Ohmic Resistance.

This topic covers the concept of Electric Circuit.

This topic covers concepts such as Combination of Resistors, Parallel Combination of Resistors, Series Combination of Resistors, Distribution of Potential Difference among Resistors in Series, Equivalent Resistance in Series Combination, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Electric Cell, Dry Cell, Construction of Standard Weston Cell, and Working of Standard Weston Cell.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Electromotive Force and Internal Resistances of Cell

This topic covers concepts such as Potential Difference across Terminals of Battery Getting Discharged, Potential Difference across Terminals of Battery Getting Charged, Potential Difference across Battery Terminal in Open Circuit, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Grouping of Cells, Series Grouping of Cells, Parallel Grouping of Cells, and Mixed Grouping of Cells.

This topic covers concepts such as Electric Switch, Galvanometer, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Rheostat, and Different Types of Switch.

This topic covers concepts such as Kirchhoff's Law, Kirchhoff's First Law, Kirchhoff's Second Law, Method to Solve Complex Circuit Using Kirchhoff's Law, Finding Potential Difference between Two Points in an Electrical Circuit, etc.

This topic covers concepts such as Wheatstone Bridge, Balanced Wheatstone Bridge, Unbalanced Wheatstone Bridge, and Sensitivity of Wheatstone Bridge.

This topic covers concepts such as Meter Bridge, Sensitivity of Meter Bridge Experiment, Post Office Box, Sensitivity of Post Office Box Experiment, Limitation of Meter Bridge, Construction of Meter Bridge, and Precautions While Using Meter Bridge.

This topic covers concepts such as Potentiometer, To Find EMF of an Unknown Battery Using Potentiometer, To Compare EMFs of Two Unknown Batteries Using Potentiometer, To Find Internal Resistance of an Unknown Battery Using Potentiometer, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Current Electricity>Drift Velocity and Derivation of Ohm's Law

This topic covers concepts such as Difference between Emf and Potential Difference, Electric Current Density, Drift Velocity, Mobility of Electron, Relation between Drift Velocity and Electric Current, etc.