Electricity and Magnetism


Electricity and Magnetism: Overview

Electricity and Magnetism covers chapters such as Current Electricity, Electrostatics, Electromagnetic Induction, Capacitance, Electromagnetic Waves, Alternating Current, Matter and Magnetism and, Magnetic Effect of Current

Practice Other Chapters from Electricity and Magnetism

This chapter covers topics such as Electric Charge and Its Properties, Electric Field, Electric Dipole, Conductors in Electric Field, Gauss’s Law, Electric Potential and Potential Energy, Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Surfaces, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Effect of Dielectrics on Capacitance, Kirchhoff's Laws With Capacitors, Combination of Capacitors, Energy Stored in a Capacitor, Dielectrics and Polarization, and Van de Graaff Generator.

This chapter covers topics such as Heating Effect of Current, Ohm's Law, Conversion of Galvanometer to Ammeter or Voltmeter, Battery, Meter Bridge, Potentiometer, Kirchhoff's Laws With Resistors, Temperature Dependence of Resistivity, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Magnetic Effect of Current

This chapter covers topics such as Current Carrying Loop in External Magnetic Field, Magnetic Field, Solenoid and Toroid, Magnetic Field due to a Current Carrying Circular Coil, Lorentz Force, Moving Coil Galvanometer, Biot-Savart’s Law, etc.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Matter and Magnetism

This chapter covers topics such as Tangent Galvanometer, Magnetic Dipole in External Magnetic Field, Diamagnetism, Paramagnetism and Ferromagnetism, Bar magnet, and Terrestrial Magnetism.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electromagnetic Induction

This chapter covers topics such as Induced Electric Field, Motional Emf, Self and Mutual Induction, Lenz's Law, LC Oscillations, Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction, Eddy Currents, LR Circuit with DC Source, and AC Generator.

This chapter covers topics such as Alternating Current, Resonance in Series LCR Circuit, Power in AC Circuit and Wattless Current, RC, LR and LC Circuits with AC Sources, Transformer, Resonance in Parallel LCR Circuit, and Quality Factor.

Physics>Electricity and Magnetism>Electromagnetic Waves

This chapter covers topics such as Electromagnetic Spectrum, Electromagnetic Waves and their Characteristics, and Displacement Current.