Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

This chapter covers topics like kinetic theory of an ideal gas, mean speed and RMS speed, degree of freedom and law of equipartition of energy, equation of state of a perfect gas.

Practice Other Topics from Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

In this topic, we will learn the ideal gas based kinetic theory. It also describes pressure and kinetic interpretation of temperature with different formulas and equations discussed here.

In this topic, we will read about the mean speed of a molecule in detail. We will also discuss the RMS speed of molecules. In addition, we will try to learn the difference between average speed and RMS speed.

This topic describes the degree of freedom of various physical systems. It further explains the law of equipartition energy in detail. Moreover, it informs us that monatomic gases have three translational degrees of freedom.

This topic gives the equation of state for an ideal gas. Here, it describes Boyle's and Charles's laws to explain this equation in detail. Furthermore, it interprets this thermodynamic equation for real gases.