Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation

This Chapter covers topics such as Thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Laws of Thermodynamics, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Newton's Law of Cooling, Carnot Engine, Mean Free Path and, Ideal Gas

Practice Other Topics from Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation

This topic explains concepts such as Universal Gas Constant, Boltzmann Constant, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Ideal Gas Assumptions, Large Number of Gas Molecules, Random Motion of Gas Molecules, Elastic Collisions between Molecules, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as RMS Speed of Molecules, Molar Kinetic Energy, Molecular Kinetic Energy, Temperature and Kinetic Energy, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Mean Free Path, Expression for Mean Velocity, Expression for Mean Square Velocity, Expression for Root Mean Square Velocity, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Time for Successive Collisions between Walls, Number of Collisions per Second, Momentum Transferred per Molecule, Pressure of a Gas in Terms of Its RMS Speed, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Maxwell's Distribution of Velocities etc.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation>Degrees of Freedom and Law of Equipartition of Energy

This topic consists of concepts such as Degrees of Freedom of Gas Molecule, Rotational Degree of Freedom, Translational Degree of Freedom, Vibrational Degree of Freedom, etc.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation>Specific Heat Capacities of Gases and Solids

This topic consists of concepts such as Specific Heat Capacities of Monoatomic Gas, Specific Heat Capacities of Diatomic Gas, Specific Heat Capacities of Polyatomic Gas, Specific Heat Capacity of Solids, etc.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation>Absorption, Reflection and Transmission of Heat Radiation

This topic consists of concepts such as Radiant Energy, Diathermanous Medium, Properties of Diathermanous Medium, Athermanous Medium, etc.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation>Interaction of Thermal Radiation and Matter

This topic explains concepts such as Radiation Pressure, Radiation Intensity, Spectral Energy Density, Spectrum of Radiation, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Ideal Black Body, Ferry's Black Body , etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Absorptive Power, Emissive Power, Factors on Which Emissive Power of a Body Depends, Coefficient of Emission, etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation, Thought Experiment to Prove Kirchhoff's Law of Radiation , etc.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation>Spectrum of Black Body Radiation in Terms of Wavelength

This topic consists of concepts such as Spectral Energy Distribution Curve, Temperature Effects on Distribution Curve, Wien's Displacement Law etc.

This topic consists of concepts such as Stefan's Law of Radiation, Features of Stefan's Law, Temperature and Radiation Emitted, Area and Radiation Emitted, etc.