

Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Thermodynamics

This chapter covers topics, such as Specific Heat Capacity, First Law of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic Process, Heat Engines, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Thermal Equilibrium, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, etc.

Practice Other Topics from Thermodynamics

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>General Terms in Thermodynamics

This topic covers concepts, such as Macroscopic Variables of the System, Microscopic Variables of the System, General Terms in Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic System, System, Surroundings and Boundaries and Isolated System.

This topic covers concepts, such as Thermodynamic Equilibrium and Processes, Adiabatic Boundaries and Diathermic Boundaries.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

This topic covers the concept of Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>Heat, Internal Energy and Work

This topic covers concepts, such as Internal Energy, Work Done by Thermodynamic System, Internal Energy in Thermodynamics and Distinction between Heat and Internal Energy.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>First Law of Thermodynamics

This topic covers concepts, such as Sign Convention in Thermodynamics, First Law of Thermodynamics and Equation for Work Done.

This topic covers concepts, such as Heat Capacity of Solids, Definition of a Calorie, Specific Heat Capacity of Water, Variation of Specific Heat Capacity of Water with Temperature, Molar Specific Heat Capacities in Terms of Gas Constant, etc.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics State Variables and Equation of State

This topic covers concepts, such as State Variable, Isotherm, Extensive Variable in Thermodynamics and Intensive Variable in Thermodynamics.

This topic covers concepts, such as Non-cyclic process, Quasi-static Process, Isothermal Process and Its Equation of State, Work Done in Isothermal Process, Internal Energy in Isothermal Process, Heat in Isothermal Process, Indicator Diagrams, etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as Engines and Cyclic Process, Heat Engine, Efficiency in Thermodynamic Process and Efficiency of Heat Engine.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>Refrigerators and Heat Pumps

This topic covers concepts, such as Refrigerator, Coefficient of Performance of a Refrigerator and Heat Pump.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>Second Law of Thermodynamics

This topic covers concepts, such as Second Law of Thermodynamics, Terms in Second Law of Thermodynamics, Kelvin-Planck Statement and Clausius Statement.

Physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermodynamics>Reversible and Irreversible Processes

This topic covers concepts, such as Reversible and Irreversible Processes and Causes for Irreversibility of a Process.

This topic covers concepts, such as Carnot's Engine, Carnot Cycle, Expansion in Carnot Cycle, Work Done in Expansion, Compression in Carnot Cycle, Work Done in Compression, Efficiency of Carnot Cycle and Carnot Theorem.