Heat and Thermodynamics


Heat and Thermodynamics: Overview

Heat and Thermodynamics covers chapters such as Thermal Properties of Matter, Heat and Thermodynamics and, Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

Practice Other Chapters from Heat and Thermodynamics

physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Thermal Properties of Matter

This chapter explains the fundamental concept of temperature through gas-equation, thermal expansion, specific heats and change of states of matter. It also discusses the different mediums of heat transfer and Newton's law of cooling.

physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Heat and Thermodynamics

This chapter discusses topics such as heat, thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory

physics>Heat and Thermodynamics>Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of Gases

This chapter covers topics like kinetic theory of an ideal gas, mean speed and RMS speed, degree of freedom and law of equipartition of energy, equation of state of a perfect gas.