Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion

This chapter discusses the system of particles and rotational motion. Here, we will learn about the centre of mass, linear and angular momentum, torque, the moment of inertia, etc. It also explains the kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion.

Practice Other Topics from Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion

In this topic, we will learn the equilibrium of motion of a rigid body. It also explains the principle of moments and the centre of gravity.

This topic describes the centre of mass of a system and its significance. It also contains mathematical expressions to prove the centre of mass with the example of rod and lamina.

In this topic, we will learn the physical importance for a system of particles. It also explains different equations and results in support of the motion of the centre of mass.

Physics>Mechanics>Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion>Linear Momentum of a System of Particles

In this topic, we will learn concept of linear momentum of a system of particles. It also explains how it is related to the centre of mass and motion of the centre of mass.

In this topic, we will learn important quantities in the study of rotational motion that comprises a vector product. With the aid of illustrations, it briefs on vector product.

In this topic, we will learn the kinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axis. Kinematical equations for linear motion and rotational motion with uniform acceleration are also mentioned here.

In this topic, we will acquaint ourselves with the physical quantities that are defined as vector products of two vectors. It also briefs on the concept of torque.

This topic covers concepts, such as, Equilibrium of Rigid Body, Translational Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Rotational Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies & Centre of Mass and Centre of Gravity etc.

This topic explains the moment of inertia by considering rotation about a fixed axis. It also explains the radius of gyration with the help of equations and diagrams.

Physics>Mechanics>Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion>Kinematics of Rotational Motion about a Fixed Axis

In this topic, we will learn the kinematics of rotational motion about a fixed axis. Kinematical equations for linear motion and rotational motion with uniform acceleration are also mentioned here.

In this topic, we will study the rolling motion observed in our daily life. It also explains the kinetic energy of rolling motion with its expression in detail with the help of a figure.

Physics>Mechanics>Systems of Particles and Rotational Motion>Angular Momentum in Case of Rotation about a Fixed Axis

This topic emphasizes the angular momentum in the special case of rotation about a fixed axis. It also explains the general expression for the total angular momentum of the system of n particles along with the conservation of angular momentum.

Here, we will study the rolling motion observed in our daily life. It also explained kinetic energy of rolling motion with its expression and detailed illustration.

This topic defines rotational energy. The energy in rotation is explained in detail with the aid of examples for a better understanding.