

Mechanics: Overview

Mechanics covers chapters such as Kinematics, Rotation, Gravitation, Laws of Motion, Circular Motion, Projectile Motion, Scalars and Vectors and, Physical World and Measurement

Practice Other Chapters from Mechanics

Physics>Mechanics>Physical World and Measurement

This chapter covers topics, such as, Mathematical Formula, Errors in Measurement, Differentiation & World Standards etc.

Physics>Mechanics>Scalars and Vectors

This chapter covers topics, such as, Product of Two Vectors, Scalars and Vectors, Types of Vector, Addition of Vectors, Resolution of Vector, Area of Parallelogram and Triangle, Lami's Theorem & Representation of a Vector etc.


This chapter covers topics, such as, Types of Motion, Average Acceleration and Instantaneous Acceleration, Applications of Calculus & Frame of Reference etc.

Physics>Mechanics>Laws of Motion

This chapter covers topics, such as, Work Energy Theorem, Newton's Laws of Motion, Newton's Law in Real World Phenomenon & Newton's 2nd Law - The Real Law etc.

Physics>Mechanics>Circular Motion

This chapter covers topics, such as, Rotational Kinematics, Equations of Rotational Motion, Relation between Linear and Angular Motion, Uniform Circular Motion, Motion on a Vertical Circle & Application of Uniform Circular Motion etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, Angular Momentum, Moment of Inertia, Centre of Gravity & Comparative Study of Linear and Rotational Motion etc.


This chapter covers topics, such as, Newton's Laws of Gravitation, Satellites, Inertial Mass and Gravitational Mass & Gravitational Field etc.

Physics>Mechanics>Projectile Motion

This chapter covers topics, such as, Projectile Motion & Horizontal Projectile from Elevation etc.