Zener Diode
Zener Diode: Overview
This topic covers concepts such as Zener diode, Zener diode as voltage stabiliser, and Zener breakdown.
Important Questions on Zener Diode
Which of the following is/are correct
(i) The symbol for zener diode is
(ii) The reverse I – V characteristics of a zener diode.

The following characteristics. Curve is of a:

A zener diode of power rating is to be used as voltage regulator. If the zener diode has a breakdown of and it has to regulate voltage fluctuating between and The value of resistance for safe operation of diode will be

Distinguish between Zener diode and rectifier diode.

What will be the current flowing through the resistor in the circuit shown, where the breakdown voltage of the zener is ?

Consider the diagram given below
Breakdown voltage for Zener diode is . Current through the Zener diode is (consider the diodes as ideal diodes) and Zener diode operating in the breakdown region

In the circuit given above, what is the diode current if the unknown resistance is ?

Name the semiconductor device that can be used as voltage regulator.

Consider the voltage regulation circuit shown below. The unregulated voltage varies between to .
At what value of the unregulated voltage, the currents through the load resistor and Zener diode will be equal?

Write the value of current (in ) in the circuit shown in the figure.

In Zener diode, for currents greater than the knee current, the V-I curve is almost straight line_____ to x-axis.

Explain V-I characteristics of zener diode?

For a p-n junction normal diode and a Zener diode, which of the following statements is true?

The value of the resistor, , needed in the DC voltage regulator circuit shown here, equals:

Figure shows a voltage regulator circuit, with a Zener diode of breakdown voltage . If the unregulated input voltage varies between to then what is the maximum Zener current?

In the circuit shown in figure, Zener diode is properly biased. Power dissipated in diode (in ) is:

In connection with the circuit drawn below, the value of current flowing through resistor is . The value of is,