Modern Physics
Modern Physics: Overview
Modern Physics covers chapters such as Nuclear Physics, Electronic Devices, Communication System, Bohr Model, X-ray Spectra, Wave-Particle Duality and, Photoelectric Emission and Production and Properties of X-rays
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This chapter covers topics such as Photoelectric Emission, Photoelectric Effect, Photon Theory of Light, X-rays, and Photoelectric Cell and Its Applications.

This chapter covers topics such as Atomic Model and Characteristic Line Spectra, Bohr's Model of Atom, Characteristic Lines Emitted by Hydrogen Atom, Wave Particle Duality, Energy Level Diagram, Ionisation Energy and Excitation Energy, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Conductors, Insulators and Semiconductors, Band Theory of Solid, p-n Junction, Zener Diode, Junction Transistor as Oscillator, Photodiode, Light Emitting Diode, Solar Cell, Intrinsic Semiconductor, etc.

This chapter covers topics such as Atomic Mass and Composition of Nucleus, Radioactivity, Mass-energy and Nuclear Binding Energy, Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Reaction, and Size of the Nucleus.

This chapter covers topics such as General Plan of Communication System, Modulation and Its Types, Antenna, Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in Atmosphere, and Modem.