Surface Tension

11th CBSE

Important Questions on Surface Tension


A hot air balloon is a sphere of radius 8 m. The air inside is at a temperature of 60° C. How large a mass can the balloon lift when the outside temperature is 20° C? Assume air is an ideal gas, R=8.314 J mole-1K-11 atm=1.013×105 Pa ; the membrane tension is 5 Nm-1.


Surface tension is exhibited by liquids due to force of attraction between molecules of the liquid. The surface tension decreases with increase in temperature and vanishes at boiling point. Given that the latent heat of vaporisation for waterLv=540 kcal kg-1, the mechanical equivalent of heat J=4.2 J cal-1, density of water ρw=103 kg l-1 , Avagadro’s Number  NA=6×1026 k mole-1 and the molecular weight of water MA=18 kg for 1 k mole.

Calculate the surface tension of water. Consider the intermolecular force between water molecules is 2.05×10-11 N.


 Surface tension is exhibited by liquids due to force of attraction between molecules of the liquid. The surface tension decreases with increase in temperature and vanishes at boiling point. Given that the latent heat of vaporisation for water Lv=540 kcal kg-1, the mechanical equivalent of heat J=4.2 J cal-1, density of water ρw=103 kg/m -3, Avagadro’s number  NA=6.0×1026 kmole-1and the molecular weight of water MA=18 kg for 1 k mole. During vaporisation a molecule overcomes a force F, assumed constant, to go from an inter-molecular distance d to d´. Estimate the value of F. Take the energy is required for one molecule of water to evaporate is  6.8×10-20 J.


Surface tension is exhibited by liquids due to force of attraction between molecules of the liquid. The surface tension decreases with increase in temperature and vanishes at boiling point. Given that the latent heat of vaporisation for water Lv=540 kcal kg-1 , the mechanical equivalent of heat J=4.2 J cal-1 ,density of water ρw=103 kg l-1, Avagadro’s Number NA=6.0×1026 k mole-1 and the molecular weight of water MA=18 kg for 1 k mole and 1 g of water in the vapour state at 1 atm occupies 1601 cm3, estimate the intermolecular distance at boiling point, in the vapour state.


Surface tension is exhibited by liquids due to force of attraction between molecules of the liquid. The surface tension decreases with increase in temperature and vanishes at boiling point. Given that the latent heat of vaporisation for water Lv=540 kcal kg-1, the mechanical equivalent of heat J=4.2 J cal-1 , density of water ρw=103 kg l-1 , Avagadro’s Number NA=6.0 ×1026 kmole-1  and, the molecular weight of water MA=18 kg for 1 k mole.  Show that the inter–molecular distance for water is d=MANA×1ρw13 and find its value.


Surface tension is exhibited by liquids due to the force of attraction between molecules of the liquid. The surface tension decreases with increase in temperature and vanishes at the boiling point of the liquid. Given that the latent heat of vaporisation for water Lv=540 kcal kg-1, the mechanical equivalent of heat  J=4.2 J cal-1, density of water ρw=103 kg/m3 , Avagadro’s Number NA=6.0×1026 kmol-1, and the molecular weight of water MA=18 kg for 1 kmol, estimate the energy required for one molecule of water to evaporate. 


The surface tension and vapour pressure of water at 20°C is 7.28×10-2 Nm-1 and 2.33×103 Pa, respectively. What is the radius of the smallest spherical water droplet which can be formed without evaporating at 20° C?


If a drop of liquid breaks into smaller droplets, it results in lowering of temperature of the droplets. Let a drop of radius R, break into N small droplets each of radius r. Estimate the drop in temperature.


Two mercury droplets of radii 0.1 cm. and 0.2 cm coalesces into one single drop. What amount of energy is released? The surface tension of mercury T=435.5 ×10-3 Nm.


The free surface of oil in a tanker, at rest, is horizontal. If the tanker starts accelerating the free surface will be titled by an angle θ. If the acceleration is ams2, what will be the slope of the free surface?.


The sap in trees, which consists mainly of water in summer, rises in a system of capillaries of radius r=2.5×10-5m. The surface tension of sap is T=7.28×10-2 Nm and the angle of contact is 0°. Does surface tension alone account for the supply of water to the top of all trees?


 Is surface tension a vector quantity?


Which of the following statements are correct for a surface molecule?


The angle of contact at the interface of water-glass is 0°, Ethyl alcohol-glass is 0°, Mercury-glass is 140° and, Methyl iodide-glass is 30°. A glass capillary is put in a trough containing one of these four liquids. It is observed that the meniscus is convex. The liquid in the trough is: