Ray Optics and Optical Instruments


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

This chapter covers topics, such as Optical Instruments, Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses, Refraction Through a Prism, Reflection at Plane and Spherical Surfaces, Total Internal Reflection and Critical Angle, The Rainbow, etc.

Practice Other Topics from Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

This topic covers concepts, such as Optics, Geometrical Optics, Speed of Light, Ray of Light and Beam of Light.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics and Optical Instruments>Reflection at Plane and Spherical Surfaces

This topic covers concepts, such as Reflection of Light, Incident Ray, Laws of Reflection of Light, First Law of Reflection, Second Law of Reflection, Reflection from a Plane Mirror, Sign Convention in Mirrors, Co-ordinate Convention, etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as Refraction of Light, Refracted Ray, Snell's Law, Absolute Refractive Index, Relative Refractive Index, Refraction from Plane Surface, Refraction from Single Slab, Lateral Shift Due to Glass Slab, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics and Optical Instruments>Total Internal Reflection and Critical Angle

This topic covers concepts, such as Total Internal Reflection, Critical Angle, Total Internal Reflection in Mirage, Total Internal Reflection in Diamond, Total Reflecting Prisms, Total Internal Reflection in Optical Fibers, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics and Optical Instruments>Refraction at Spherical Surfaces and by Lenses

This topic covers concepts, such as Paraxial Rays, Refraction from Spherical Surface, Lens, Lens Surface Nomenclature, Optical Centre, Principal Axis of Lens, Centers of Curvature of a Lens, Thin Lens, Focal Length of Lens, etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as Prism, Deviation by Prism, Deviation versus Incident Angle Graph in Prism, Condition for Minimum Deviation in Prism and Refractive Index Formula for Prism.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics and Optical Instruments>Deviation and Dispersion of Light by a Prism

This topic covers concepts, such as Angle of Prism, Dispersion of Light in Prism, Dispersive Power, Deviation without Dispersion in Prism, Dispersion without Deviation in Prism, Deviation from Small Angle Prism, Thick Lens and Chromatic Aberration.

This topic covers concepts, such as Total Internal Reflection in Rainbow, Formation of Primary Rainbow and Formation of Secondary Rainbow.

This topic covers concepts, such as Scattering of Light and Rayleigh Scattering.

This topic covers concepts, such as Optical Instruments, Eye as Optical Instrument, Defects of Eye, Microscopes, Simple Microscope, Linear Magnification in Optical Instrument, Angular Magnification in Optical Instrument, Compound Microscope, etc.