Ray Optics


Physics Solutions from Chapter -1 - Ray Optics

This Chapter covers topics such as Lens, Reflection of Light, Refraction of Light, Total Internal Reflection, Dispersion of Light, Plane Mirror, Atmospheric Refraction, Scattering of Light: Raman Effect and, Curved Mirror

Practice Other Topics from Ray Optics

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Basic Terms in Geometrical Optics

This topic covers concepts, such as Optics, Geometrical Optics, Newton's Corpuscular Theory, Wave Theory of Light, Speed of Light, Ray of Light, Beam of Light, Point Object, Extended Object, Ray Diagrams, Nature of Image, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Reflection of Light

This topic covers concepts, such as Reflection of Light, Laws of Reflection of Light, First Law of Reflection, Second Law of Reflection, Deviation in Reflected Ray, Laws of Reflection in Vector Form, etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as Effect on Reflection of Light Due to Rotation of Mirror, Reflection from a Plane Mirror, Plane Mirror, Field of View, Deviation by Plane Mirrors, Ray Diagrams in Plane Mirror, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Curved Mirror

This topic covers concepts, such as Reflection from Curved Mirror, Spherical Mirror, Pole of Spherical Mirror, Center of Curvature in Mirrors, Focus of Mirrors, Focal Length of Mirror, Sign Convention in Mirrors, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Refraction of Light

This topic covers concepts, such as Refraction of Light, Absolute Refractive Index, Incident Ray, Refracted Ray, Snell's Law, Relative Refractive Index, and Fermat's Principle.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Refraction of Light at Plane Surface

This topic covers concepts, such as Refraction from Plane Surface, Refraction from Single Slab, Refraction from Multiple Glass Slab, Deviation in Refraction, Apparent Depth for One Liquid, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Refraction of Light at Curved Surface

This topic covers concepts, such as Refraction from Spherical Surface, and Lateral Magnification in Single Spherical Surface.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Total Internal Reflection

This topic covers concepts, such as Total Internal Reflection, Critical Angle, Total Reflecting Prisms, Total Internal Reflection in Liquids, Total Internal Reflection in Diamond, Total Internal Reflection in Mirage, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Total Internal Reflection in Optical Fibres

This topic covers concepts, such as Total Internal Reflection in Optical Fibers, Acceptance Angle in Optical Fibres, Acceptance Cone in Optical Fibres, Numerical Aperture of the Optical Fibre, etc.

This topic covers concepts, such as Lens, Thin Lens, Thick Lens, Lens Surface Nomenclature, Two Foci of Lens, Focal Length of Lens, Optical Centre, Centers of Curvature of a Lens, Principal Axis of Lens, Paraxial Rays, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Combinations of Thin Lenses and Mirrors

This topic covers the concept of Combinations of Lenses and Mirrors.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Dispersion of Light

This topic covers concepts, such as Prism, Angle of Prism, Deviation by Prism, Condition for Minimum Deviation in Prism, Condition of No Emergence in Prism, Deviation versus Incident Angle Graph in Prism, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Atmospheric Refraction

This topic covers concepts, such as Twinkling of Stars, Advanced Sunrise and Delayed Sunset, Scattering of Light, Rayleigh Scattering, Phenomena Related to Refraction of Light, Phenomena Related to Scattering of Light, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Scattering of Light: Raman Effect

This topic covers concepts, such as Raman Effect and Raman Scattering.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Aberrations in Optical Devices

This topic covers concepts, such as Chromatic Aberration and Spherical Aberration.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Optical Instruments: Human Eye

This topic covers concepts, such as Optical Instruments, Eye as Optical Instrument, Defects of Eye, Myopia and Its Removal, Hypermetropia and Its Removal, Astigmatism and Its Removal, Far Point, Human Eye, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Optical Instruments: Microscope

This topic covers concepts, such as Optical Instruments as Combination of Lenses, Magnifying Power, Microscopes, Simple Microscope, Compound Microscope, Eyepiece of Microscope, Objective of Microscope, etc.

Physics>Optics>Ray Optics>Optical Instruments: Telescope

This topic covers concepts, such as Telescope, Astronomical Telescope, Terrestrial Telescope, Galilean Telescope, Eyepiece of Telescope, Objective of Telescope, Ray Diagram for Telescope, etc.