

Optics: Overview

Optics covers chapters such as Reflection of Light, Refraction of Light, Electromagnetic Waves, Wave Optics, Dispersion and Scattering of Light, Refraction at Spherical Surface and Spherical Lens and, Human Eye and Optical Instruments

Practice Other Chapters from Optics

physics>Optics>Reflection of Light

This chapter covers topics such as Images, Some Definition Related to Curved Mirror, Basic Terms in Geometrical Optics, Laws of Reflection, Application of Laws of Reflection at Plane Surface, Reflection at a Curved Surface, Mirror Equation, etc.

physics>Optics>Refraction of Light

This chapter covers topics such as Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection, Prism, Image Formation by Refraction at a Plane Surface, Refraction through a Rectangular Slab, Uses of Prism, Refraction through a Thin Prism, etc.

physics>Optics>Refraction at Spherical Surface and Spherical Lens

This chapter covers topics such as Foci and Focal Length of Lens, Some Basic Definitions in Lens, Lens, Image Formation by Refraction at Spherical Surface, General Formula for Lenses, Lens Maker's Formula, Optical Centre, etc.

physics>Optics>Dispersion and Scattering of Light

This chapter covers topics such as Raman Effect, Dispersion and Composite Nature of White Light, Angular Dispersion and Dispersive Power, Rainbow, Scattering of Light, Different Types of Spectra, Mixing of Different Colours, Achromatic Doublet, etc.

physics>Optics>Human Eye and Optical Instruments

This chapter covers topics such as Optical Instruments, Human Eyes, and Defects of Vision and Their Remedies.

physics>Optics>Wave Optics

This chapter covers topics such as Interference of Light, Young’s Double Slit Experiment, Fraunhofer Diffraction, Huygen’s Principle, Diffraction of Light, Polarization of Light, Polarisation by Reflection, Fresnel Diffraction, etc.

physics>Optics>Electromagnetic Waves

This chapter covers topics such as Properties of Electromagnetic Waves, Maxwell's Equations, Displacement Current, and Electromagnetic Spectrum.