physics: Overview
This subject covers units such as mechanics, optics, modern physics, heat and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism and, waves and oscillations
Practice Other Chapters from physics
Mechanics covers chapters such as Elasticity, Rotational Dynamics and, Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Heat and Thermodynamics covers chapters such as Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory of Gases and Radiation
Waves and Oscillations covers chapters such as Oscillations, Wave Motion and, Superposition of Waves
Optics covers chapters such as Wave Optics and Interference and Diffraction
Electricity and Magnetism covers chapters such as Current Electricity, Electrostatics, Electromagnetic Induction, Magnetism, AC Circuits and, Magnetic Fields due to Electric Current
Modern Physics covers chapters such as Semiconductors, Communication Systems, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation and, Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei