Digestive System


Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Digestive System

Through this chapter, we will understand the functioning of the digestive system. It characterises the significance of various enzymes and organs. It also features certain experimental activities based on the human alimentary canal.

Practice Other Topics from Digestive System

This topic discusses the importance of teeth. It differentiates between temporary and permanent teeth. It also provides detailed information about the mouth and mentions some steps that should be followed to protect our teeth from decaying.

Science>Biology>Digestive System>Pharynx, Oesophagus and Stomach

This topic discusses the roles of Pharynx, Oesophagus and Stomach in the process of digestion. It mentions the glands and enzymes secreted by these during the digestion.

Science>Biology>Digestive System>Small Intestine, Large Intestine and Anus

This topic describes the small and large intestines and anus. It gives the visual representation of the digestive system and explains the method of functioning. It also lists some important points for the proper functioning of our digestive system.

This topic explains the mechanical and chemical processes of digestion. It briefs on gastric glands, including its three major types of cells. It also defines the term chyme.

Science>Biology>Digestive System>Mechanism of Digestion and Certain Experiments

This topic describes the mechanism of digestion in detail. The digestion process begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. It also discusses some experiments related to the process of digestion.

Science>Biology>Digestive System>Absorption, Assimilation and Egestion

This topic explains the concepts related to the absorption and assimilation of nutrients. It explains the process of egestion which is the passing of the faeces through the anus.

Science>Biology>Digestive System>Test for Starch, Sugar, Protein and Fat

In this topic, we will study the tests for starch, sugar, protein and fat with their procedure, observations and inferences. It discusses the methods to detect starch, sugar, protein and fat respectively from a mixture.