Prevention from Harmful Microorganisms
Prevention from Harmful Microorganisms: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Food Preservatives, Preservation of Food by Sugar, Prevention from Harmful Effects of Microbes and, Preservation of Food by Common Salt
Important Questions on Prevention from Harmful Microorganisms
Salting method in the food helps to preserve it by
Food preservatives extend the shelf life of certain food products.
List the uses of food preservatives.
Choose the odd word by considering the preservatives.
Fill in the blank by using a suitable word from the bracket.
Pickles are preserved by adding _____ (sugar/salt).
What are food preservatives? Write two examples of food preservatives.
_____ or curing is a technique to preserve food like fish, pickles, etc.
In the preservation of raw mangoes and amla, the process used is called salting or pasteurisation?
Identify the method of food storage and preservation.
Identify the method of food storage and preservation.
The reason for using sugar syrup as preservatives of fruits is _________
Name the common salt which is used as a preservative in pickles and in curing meat and fish. (Sodium chloride/ Sodium carbonate)
Which of the following is preserved by sugar?
What is used to preserve amla, raw mangoes, tamarind, etc...?
What has been used to preserve meat and fish for ages?
Which of the following is an example of a preservative?
Which of the following chemicals are used to check the growth of microorganism?