How do Organisms Reproduce
Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - How do Organisms Reproduce
This Chapter covers topics such as Family Planning, Reproductive Health, Asexual Reproduction in Organisms, Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Introduction to Reproduction in Organisms and, Sexual Reproduction in Human Beings
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This topic covers the concept of Reproduction.
This topic covers concepts such as Asexual Reproduction, Binary Fission, Multiple Fission, Budding, External Budding, Budding in Hydra, Internal Budding, Gemmule in Sponges, Sporulation, Zoospores, Sporangiospores, Conidium, etc.
This topic covers the concept of Sexual Reproduction in Organisms.
This topic covers concepts such as Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Structure of Flower, Androecium, Filament of Stamen, Anther, Pollen Sac, Tapetum, Endothecium, Pollen Mother Cell, Microsporogenesis, Pollen Grain, Vegetative Cell, etc.
This topic covers concepts such as Sperm, Semen, Primary Oocytes, Secondary Oocyte, Menstrual Cycle, Ovulation, Capacitation, Cleavage of Zygote, Morula, Blastocyst, Implantation, Gastrulation, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, etc.
This topic covers concepts such as Reproductive Health Problems and Strategies, Barrier Methods of Birth Control, Diaphragms as Barrier Methods, Cervical Caps as Barrier Methods, Oral Contraceptive Pills, Surgical Methods of Contraception, etc.
This topic covers concepts such as Family Planning, Population Explosion and National Family Welfare Program.