Sensations and Responses
Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Sensations and Responses
This Chapter covers topics such as Neuron: Structure and Function, Human Nervous System, Nerve Impulse: Generation and Transmission, Introduction to Sensations and Responses and, Nerves: Types and Functions
Practice Other Topics from Sensations and Responses
This topic covers concepts like Response to Stimuli, Receptors and Stimulus from the chapter Sensations and Responses of Grade 10 Science syllabus.
This topic covers concepts like Axon, Neurons, Myelin Sheath, Dendrites, Structure of Neuron, White Matter and Grey Matter from the chapter Sensations and Responses of Grade 10 Science syllabus.
This topic covers concepts like Nerve Impulse, Synapse, Generation of Nerve Impulse and Conduction of Nerve Impulse from the chapter Sensations and Responses of Grade 10 Science syllabus.
This topic covers concepts like Types of Neurons, Motor Neurons, Sensory Neurons, Interneuron and Mixed Nerve from the chapter Sensations and Responses of Grade 10 Science syllabus.
This topic covers concepts like Rabies, Nervous System, Reflex Action, Reflex Arc, Human Brain, Central Nervous System, Peripheral Nervous System, Spinal Nerves, Cerebrum, etc., from the chapter Sensations and Responses of Grade 10 Science syllabus.