The Plant: Structure and Function
Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - The Plant: Structure and Function
This chapter covers topics like types of plants, roots: types, functions and modifications, stems: structure, functions and modifications, leaves: structure, types, venation and arrangement, leaves: functions and modifications, and flower: structure.
Practice Other Topics from The Plant: Structure and Function
The topic describes the different types of plants based on their roots. It describes that some plants can grow on walls as well. We will also learn about the roots of the plants.

In this topic, we will study the roots with their structure, types and functions. It explains that roots help in the absorption of water by taking up water from the soil. We will also get to know that plants can store some food in their roots.

This topic explains different types of stems with their functions and the importance of stems. We will also learn how stem provides support to the plant by carrying food material which is proved by an activity with the pictures.

This topic describes the leaves. It highlights the structure of a leaf and different types of leaves. It sheds light on the concept of venation and the arrangement of leaves in plants.

In this topic, we will study the structure and important role of the leaf in the life of plants. With the help of activities, it details the process of transpiration and photosynthesis which takes place in the leaves of a plant.

In this topic, we will understand the structure flower. We will discuss the different types of flowers based on the presence and absence of seeds. Besides, we will also study the functions of flowers.

This topic explains the formation of fruits from flowers and seeds from fruits with the help of illustrations. It also explains the structure and types of seeds with the aid of diagrams.