

Biology: Overview

Biology covers chapters such as The Human Digestive System, Adaptation, Health and Hygiene, Our Environment, The Cell, Classification of Animals, Classification of Plants, The Respiratory System, The Circulatory System and, Pollution and Pollutants

Practice Other Chapters from Biology

Science>Biology>The Living and The Non-living

This chapter explains the properties of life and the observable characteristics of living beings. It demonstrates the morphology of living and non-living beings. It also illustrates the comparison of living, non-living, and the dead.

Science>Biology>The Plant: Structure and Function

This chapter covers topics like types of plants, roots: types, functions and modifications, stems: structure, functions and modifications, leaves: structure, types, venation and arrangement, leaves: functions and modifications, and flower: structure.

Science>Biology>Classification of Plants

This chapter covers topics like importance of classification, classification keys and different systems of classification, classification of plant kingdom, some other criteria of classification of plants: life span, mode of nutrition, and habitat.

Science>Biology>Classification of Animals

This chapter covers topics like introduction to classification of animal kingdom, vertebrates, invertebrates, species, naming the organisms, as well as other criteria for classification of animals: mode of life and food habit

Science>Biology>Useful Plants and Animals

This chapter covers topics like interdependence of plants and animals, plants as sources of food, plants as sources of cloth and industrial products, useful animals, and other uses of plants and animals

Science>Biology>The Cell

This chapter discusses plant cells and animal cells, along with their cell organelles and functions. The diagrams of a plant and animal cells are provided here. It also explains cell wall, membrane, plastids, nucleus, vacuole and cytoplasm.

Science>Biology>The Human Digestive System

In this chapter, we will revise the previous concepts related to the human digestive system. It discusses the organs of the digestive system and their functions. It also explains the process of digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Science>Biology>The Respiratory System

This chapter demonstrates the requirement of the respiratory system and its metabolic process in living beings. Moreover, it features the types of respiration and its chemical reactions. The respiratory cycle is also discussed here diagrammatically.

Science>Biology>The Circulatory System

This chapter deals with the circulatory system. It explains the functions of blood and highlights the structure of the heart via a diagram. We will learn the composition of blood here. It also covers the differences between blood and lymph.

Science>Biology>Health and Hygiene

This chapter discusses different types of diseases, including communicable and non-communicable diseases. It also explains the modes of transmission of diseases and ways to keep the surrounding clean, safe and hygienic.

Science>Biology>Rocks and Soil

This chapter covers topics like structure of earth and introduction to rocks and soil, rocks: types, weathering of rocks and ores, soil: composition, soil profile, types, erosion and conservation, fossils and fossil fuels

Science>Biology>Our Environment

This chapter discusses the effect of human activities on the environment. It also defines the food chain and food web. The physical and biological conditions interact to establish a stable ecosystem that comprises both biotic and abiotic components.


This chapter discusses the concept of adaptation of plants and animals. It explains the definitions of habitat including aquatic, desert, mountain, and air habitats. We will also get to practice related exercises and perform some activities.

Science>Biology>Pollution and Pollutants

The chapter discusses different types of pollution and pollutants. It briefs on the sources, causes and effects of air, water, noise, soil and radioactive pollution. It also explains the greenhouse effect, global warming and ozone layer depletion.