

Biology: Overview

Biology covers chapters such as Life Processes, Our Environment, Control and Coordination, Management of Natural Resources, How do Organisms Reproduce? and, Genetics and Heredity

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science>Biology>Life Processes

This chapter describes various life processes needed by a living organism for obtaining energy and to survive. These processes include nutrition, respiration, transportation and excretion.

science>Biology>Control and Coordination

This chapter describes control and coordination in animals and plants. In animals, it is done by the nervous (the brain and the spinal cord) and the endocrine system (hormones). In plants, it is done by phytohormones, i.e., plant hormones.

science>Biology>How do Organisms Reproduce?

This chapter defines the process of reproduction in unicellular and multicellular organisms. Mode of reproduction can be asexual or sexual. Reproduction helps to transmit genetic information from one generation to another.

science>Biology>Genetics and Heredity

In this chapter, we will study the concept of inherited traits and their rules. We will learn about Mendel's contributions along with the acquired and inherited traits. Furthermore, tracing evolutionary relationships are described here.

science>Biology>Our Environment

This chapter discusses the effect of human activities on the environment. It also defines the food chain and food web. The physical and biological conditions interact to establish a stable ecosystem that comprises both biotic and abiotic components.

science>Biology>Management of Natural Resources

This chapter sheds light on the need to manage our resources in detail. It highlights the concept of forest, wildlife, stakeholders, dams, coal, petroleum and water harvesting. An overview of natural resource management is also described here.