

Biology: Overview

Biology covers chapters such as Cell - Structure and Functions, Crop Production And Management, Microorganism Friend and Foe, Reproduction in Animals, Conservation of Plants and Animals and, Reaching the age of Adolescence

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science>Biology>Crop Production And Management

This chapter deals with various aspects of crop production and management. To provide food for a large population, regular production, proper management and distribution is necessary.

science>Biology>Microorganism Friend and Foe

This chapter explores microorganisms, their types, commercial and medicinal benefits to human beings. It also discusses the harmful microorganisms and their effects, food preservation techniques, nitrogen fixation and nitrogen cycle.

science>Biology>Conservation of Plants and Animals

This chapter discusses the conservation of plants and animals. It explains the causes and effects of deforestation, biosphere reserve, endemic species, wildlife sanctuary and national park. It also explains the need for migration.

science>Biology>Cell - Structure and Functions

The chapter describes the structure of the cell and its functions. It also focuses on the discovery of the cell along with its various parts. Furthermore, a note on cell membrane is provided here, including the animal and plant cell.

science>Biology>Reproduction in Animals

Reproduction is essential for the continuation of a species. This chapter explains the different modes of reproduction in plants and animals, difference between viviparous and oviparous animals and male and female reproductive organs.

science>Biology>Reaching the age of Adolescence

In this chapter, you will learn the changes of human body after which a person becomes capable of reproduction. It discusses the adolescence and puberty, the role of hormones in initiating reproductive function and reproductive phases of human life.

science>Biology>Pollution of Air and Water

This chapter discusses the harmful changes taking place in our surroundings and their effects on our lives. It explains air and water pollution, greenhouse effect, global warming, portable water and the preventive measures of air and water pollution.