Radical: Overview
This topic covers concepts such as types of radicals and cationic radicals.
Important Questions on Radical
Cations are called _____ radicals and anions are called _____ radicals.

Name a radical having electropositive valency.

Give the group of atoms and charge present in sulphate radical.

A radical with one atom of hydrogen, one atom of carbon and three atom of oxygen is_____.

Write the basic and acidic radical present in sodium bisulphite.

Give the group of atoms present in bisulphite radical.

A radical with one atom of carbon and three atoms of oxygen is ______.

Cations are _____ charged.
(Chromatography, Valency, Cuprum, Negatively, , one, , Positively, Separating funnel)

The orange-red fumes formed are of which compound when a mixture of is heated?

Give the correct order of initials T or F for following statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is false.
(i) Cu+ undergoes disproportionation to Cu and Cu2+ in aqueous solution
(ii) Hg2Cl2 does not impart chromyl chloride test
(iii) Sulphide ions react with sodium nitroprusside to form a purple coloured complex. In this reaction, oxidation state of iron changes.