Measurement of Matter
Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Measurement of Matter
This Chapter covers topics such as Radical, Laws of chemical combination, Chemical formulae of compounds, Chemical symbol of elements, Molecules of elements and compounds, Atom: size,mass and valency and, Molecular mass and the concept of mole
Practice Other Topics from Measurement of Matter
This topic covers concepts such as laws of chemical combination, law of conservation of mass, and history of laws of chemical combination.
This topic covers concepts such as nucleons, size of atom, need of relative atomic masses, atomic mass unit, and atomic masses of some elements.
This topic covers concepts such as symbols for elements proposed by dalton, and IUPAC name and symbols of some elements.
This topic covers concepts such as molecules of elements and atomicity.
This topic covers concepts such as molecular mass, calculation of molecular mass of compounds, Avogadro's number, relation between mole and number of particles, and calculation of number of moles from given mass.
This topic covers concepts such as types of radicals and cationic radicals.
This topic covers concepts such as symbols used for common ions, chemical formulae of compounds, writing chemical formula of sodium sulphate, writing chemical formula of calcium carbonate, and writing chemical formula of sodium bicarbonate.