Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Metallurgy
In this chapter, we will learn about the occurrence of metals in ores. It highlights the steps involved in the extraction of metals. We will learn the composition, properties and uses of alloys. It also briefs on the extraction of aluminium.
Practice Other Topics from Metallurgy
In this topic, we will learn about metals and nonmetals. These form the two major categories for the classification of all the elements. We will also learn about the high reactive nature of metals.

In this topic, we will learn about the occurrence of metals. It discusses the combined state and free state of the compounds. It also comprises the reactivity series of the metals to show their reactivity.

This topic covers concepts such as Concentration of Ores, Metallurgical Process, Flux, and Slag.

This topic talks about the physical processes of concentrating the ore. It highlights the crushing and grinding of the ore. It also covers the separation of magnetic ores and the process of froth-flotation here.

This topic highlights the chemical processes of concentrating the ore. It consists of different chemical reactions which explain the process of roasting and calcination. We will also study the method of purification of bauxite ore.

This topic explains the different methods of reduction by using reducing agents. It highlights the position of metal in the activity series which act as reducing agents. A short note on electrolytic reduction is also given here.

In this topic, we will learn how metals are refined. We will study various methods used for refining metals, such as distillation, liquation, poling, etc. It also describes the process of electrolytic refining here.

This topic highlights different ores of aluminium here. We will come across the Hall-Heroult's process in detail. We will also study various uses of aluminium.

This topic discusses different types of alloys. It explains the purpose of making an alloy as well. Moreover, it highlights the composition, properties and uses of alloys in tabular form here.

This topic deals with the reactivity of elements. It discusses the arrangement of elements in their order of reactivity. It also lists the reactivity series of some elements and the elements which are highly reactive.

This topic explains that oxidation of the surface of a metal due to the action of atmospheric oxygen and water is known as corrosion. Corrosion of iron is called rusting. It can be prevented by galvanisation, chrome plating, alloy formation and electroplating.