

Chemistry: Overview

Chemistry covers chapters such as Water, Matter, Atomic Structure, Hydrogen, Chemical reactions, Carbon and its compounds, Physical and Chemical Changes, Elements, Compounds and Mixtures and, Language of Chemistry

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This chapter defines matter and discusses its composition. We will learn in detail the different states of matter, that is solids, liquids and gases. It also describes the characteristics and properties of solids, liquids and gases.

Science>Chemistry>Physical and Chemical Changes

In this chapter, we will learn the classification of changes, which are physical and chemical change. It highlights the difference between them along with various examples. It also explains the characteristics of physical and chemical change.

Science>Chemistry>Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

This chapter deals with the classification of matter. We will study different types of mixtures and the need for separating the components of a mixture. It also highlights various methods by which we can separate the components of a mixture.

Science>Chemistry>Atomic Structure

In this chapter, we will solve questions based on the structure of an atom, and various theories and models related to the atom. In addition, there are assorted exercises provided here on atomic number, mass number, and isotopes.

Science>Chemistry>Language of Chemistry

This chapter deals with various chemical equations and chemical formulae with the help of assorted exercises. It also discusses the chemical symbols of different elements and their atomicity using objective and subjective answer-type questions.

Science>Chemistry>Chemical Reactions

In this chapter, we will study various chemical reactions, along with their characteristics by solving varied exercises. We will also understand the conditions for different chemical reactions using subjective and objective answer-type questions.

In this chapter, we will encounter varied exercises based on the element hydrogen. We will study its properties and uses in detail. In addition, we will be quizzed about the process of electrolysis and redox reactions.

In this chapter, we will learn about the importance of water for humans, plants, and animals. We will study the uses of water for a variety of purposes. We will also understand the need for saving water.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds

This chapter covers assorted questions based on the occurrence and preparation of the carbon. We will learn about its allotropes. In addition, it contains some other exercises on the properties of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and their uses.