

Chemistry: Overview

Chemistry covers chapters such as Water, The Periodic Table, Practical Chemistry, Atmospheric Pollution, The Language of Chemistry, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding, Chemical Changes and Reactions and, Study of Gas Laws

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Science>Chemistry>The Language of Chemistry

This chapter discusses the significance of chemical symbols and express the chemical formula for compounds. We will learn how to write a chemical equation and balance it. It also explains how to calculate the percentage composition of an element.

Science>Chemistry>Chemical Changes and Reactions

This chapter discusses the conditions necessary for chemical changes and types of chemical changes. We will also learn in detail the classification of chemical reactions on the basis of energy changes.

In this chapter, we will learn about the importance of water for humans, plants, and animals. We will study the uses of water for a variety of purposes. We will also understand the need for saving water.

Science>Chemistry>Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

In this chapter, we will learn about atoms and its structure. It briefs on various atomic models and their limitations. It discusses the distribution of electrons in different orbits. We will also learn about different atomic species.

Science>Chemistry>The Periodic Table

This chapter explores Mendeleev’s periodic table and its limitations. It describes atomic number as the basis for modern periodic law. We will learn about the trends in the modern periodic table. It also discusses the study of some specific groups.

Science>Chemistry>Study of the First Element - Hydrogen

This chapter covers topics like position of hydrogen in the periodic table, properties of hydrogen, preparation of hydrogen, tests and uses of hydrogen, as well as oxidation and reduction.

Science>Chemistry>Study of Gas Laws

This chapter sheds light on the kinetic molecular theory of gases and their measurable properties. Various gas laws are also discussed here through diagrams and examples. It also briefs on ideal gas and absolute zero.

Science>Chemistry>Atmospheric Pollution

In this chapter, we will learn about acid rain, global warming and their causes and prevention. It explains the causes and effects of depletion of the ozone layer. We will also learn about the origin and health impact of some major pollutants.

Science>Chemistry>Practical Chemistry

This chapter covers topics like identification of gases, action of heat on given substances, action of dilute sulphuric acid to given substance, flame test, experiment based on hard and soft water, and water pollution.