

Chemistry: Overview

Chemistry covers chapters such as Structure of Atom, Chemical Bonding, Acids, Bases and Salts, Carbon and its Compounds, Principles of Metallurgy and, Classification of Elements - The Periodic Table

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Science>Chemistry>Acids, Bases and Salts

This chapter covers topics such as Chemical Properties of Acids and Bases, Salts, Acid-Base Indicators, Nature of Acids and Bases, and Strength of Acids and Bases.

Science>Chemistry>Structure of Atom

This chapter covers topics such as Spectrum, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Quantum Mechanical Model of an Atom, Bohr's Model of Hydrogen Atom, Electronic Configuration, Quantum Numbers, and Bohr-Sommerfeld Model of an Atom.

Science>Chemistry>Classification of Elements - The Periodic Table

This chapter covers topics such as Early Attempts at the Classification of Elements, Periodic Properties in the Modern Periodic Table, Mendeleev's Periodic Table, and The Modern Periodic Table.

Science>Chemistry>Chemical Bonding

This chapter covers topics such as Valence Bond Theory, The Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) Theory, Lewis Dot Structures, Covalent Bond, Electronic Theory of Valency by Lewis, and Kossel, Hybridisation and Ionic Bond.

Science>Chemistry>Principles of Metallurgy

This chapter covers topics such as Extraction of Crude Metals from the Ore, Occurrence of the Metals in Nature, Concentration of Ores, Purification of the Crude Metal, Few Important Processes Used in Metallurgy, and Corrosion.

Science>Chemistry>Carbon and its Compounds

This chapter covers topics such as The Covalent Bond in Carbon, Soaps and Detergents, Isomerism, Hybridisation in Carbon Compounds, Hydrocarbons, Nomenclature of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds, etc.