
Author:Anita Paul, Seema Sinha, Karuni Subrahmanyam & Deepika Parashari
7th CBSE

Practice Other Chapters from Food

In this chapter, we are going to learn the basic concepts of chemistry. It discusses the chemical symbols of different elements with their formula and valency. It also contains examples and exercises based on the topics.

New Science Spark Book 7>Food>Nutrition in Plants

This chapter deals with the different modes of nutrition. It discusses the autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition in plants with examples. Practising the exercises will help us enhance our knowledge of the concepts.

New Science Spark Book 7>Food>Nutrition in Animals

This chapter discusses the different modes of nutrition in animals. It describes the human digestive system, the process of digestion and the organs involved. It explains digestion in amoeba and grass-eating animals and digestion-related ailments.