
Author:Vaishali Gupta, Shalini Bajaj & Supriya D.Sheshadri
7th CBSE

Practice Other Chapters from Food

Science Horizons>Food>Nutrition in Plants

In this chapter, we will learn the autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition in plants with examples. It explains the process of photosynthesis in detail. Further, it discusses how nutrients get replenished into the soil.

Science Horizons>Food>Nutrition in Animals

In this chapter, we will learn the stages involved in the process of nutrition. Here, it discusses the process of nutrition in amoeba and human beings in detail. It also explains the nutrition in ruminants.

Science Horizons>Food>Fibre to Fabric

In this chapter, we will learn about animal fibres and how they are used to make different fabrics. It explains the process involved in the production of wool and silk. It also briefs on the health hazards in wool production and sericulture.

Science Horizons>Food>Chemicals and Chemical Changes

This chapter describes a chemical substance and its classification. It explains the chemical symbols of the elements along with the atomicity, chemical equation and reaction. We will also study the chemical changes with the help of examples.

Science Horizons>Food>Acids, Bases, and Salts

In this chapter, we will study the acidic and basic substances with their properties, types and uses. It briefs on indicators and pH along with detail on salts and their properties. We will also learn the neutralization reactions in everyday life.

Science Horizons>Food>Heat and Temperature

This chapter helps us to understand the temperature and its measuring instrument. A brief note on the heat with the mode of heat transfer including conduction, convection and radiation are also explained with examples.