Solutions of Simple Electric Circuits from Science Class - 6
Telangana Board Science Solutions from Chapter 12 - Simple Electric Circuits
The detailed solutions to all the exercises of Simple Electric Circuits from Science Class - 6 for 6th Telangana Board are provided here. The topics covered are such as Switch, Bulb and, Conductors And Insulators. Students can practice frequently asked questions from this chapter.
Practice Other Topics from Simple Electric Circuits
This Chapter from Science Class - 6 has 7 topics to practice on Simple Electric Circuits

A brief description of the bulb is covered in this topic. It consists of a diagram of a bulb which depicts the parts of a bulb including its terminals. It also describes the arrangement of wires in an electric wire.

This Chapter from Science Class - 6 has 7 topics to practice on Simple Electric Circuits

In this topic, we will learn about switches. Through activity and an illustration of a circuit with a switch, it explains the working of a switch. It describes that a switch is responsible for the flow of electricity.

Through this topic, we will get to know about torch-light. We will explore the visual representation of the inside view of a torch-light. It describes the uses and structure of torch-light along with its working.

The topic deals with conductors and insulators. With the help of an activity, we will learn how to identify conductors and insulators. It also explains the meaning of conductors and insulators, along with the examples.

This topic highlights the story of a bulb. It briefs on the life of Thomas Alva Edison. It also explains the experiment performed by him to make a bulb. We will learn that he made a filament with cotton while nowadays it is made up of tungsten.