Author:Telangana Board
6th Telangana Board

Practice Other Chapters from III

Science Class - 6>III>Fibre to Fabric

This chapter discusses the different types of fabric and fibres, along with their uses with examples. It also describes natural fibres and how they differ from artificial ones. We will also learn about the methods of making cotton and jute yarn.

Science Class - 6>III>Plants : Parts and Functions

This chapter covers the different parts of a plant, types of roots, and parts of a leaf and its functions. It also explains the concept of venation. Alongside, we will also learn about the role of stems in detail.

Science Class - 6>III>Changes around Us

This chapter explains the different changes that we notice around us in our daily life. These include phenomena such as milk turning to curd, liquid changing to gas and vice versa and changing seasons. The concepts are explained in a lucid manner.

Science Class - 6>III>Water in Our Life

This chapter helps us understand the uses and sources of water. We will learn to measure the volume of water with the help of activities. Further, we will also study the causes and effects of droughts and floods in detail.

Science Class - 6>III>Simple Electric Circuits

This chapter deals with the types, structure, and the working of electric cells and bulbs. It describes the functions and uses of conductors and insulators with examples. It also teaches us how to draw a circuit diagram.