Life and its Diversity
Author:Pranab Kumar Pradhan
9th West Bengal Board
Practice Other Chapters from Life and its Diversity
This chapter talks about the basic properties of life. Explanation of basic properties of life such as movement, nutrition, excretion, etc., are provided here with examples. We will also learn the abiotic origin and sources of variations of life.

A TEXT BOOK OF LIFE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT CLASS 9>Life and its Diversity>Biology is the Study of Patterns and Processes of Life and its Diversity
This chapter explains biology as the study of patterns and processes of life and its diversity. Different branches of biology, applications of modern biology, and the fusion of knowledge from other science branches into biology are also discussed.

A TEXT BOOK OF LIFE SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENT CLASS 9>Life and its Diversity>Classification of Diversity of Life : Taxonomy
This chapter deals with the classification of the diversity of life: taxonomy. We will learn about the modern taxonomy and hierarchical taxonomic arrangement of classified groups. Five kingdoms of life and their classification are also detailed here.