
Author:Anita Paul, Seema Sinha, Deepika Parashari & Karuni Subrahmanyam
6th CBSE

Practice Other Chapters from Materials

This chapter describes the different types of fibres. It also discusses the different sources, from where we obtain fibres and how fibres are produced and turned into fabric.

Galaxy A Course in Science Book 6>Materials>Sorting Materials into Groups

This chapter describes the different materials and their properties. It explains how different objects are made from different materials. Materials can be categorised on the basis of the properties of hardness, appearance and solubility.

This chapter describes substances and how they are categorised into pure substances and mixtures. It also teaches the various methods of separation. Solubility and the factors affecting solubility are also discussed here.

This chapter describes the changes around us and how they can be classified into fast and slow changes. It also discusses irreversible and reversible changes, physical and chemical changes and the factors affecting these changes.