
Author:B K Gowel & Sangeeta
8th CBSE

Practice Other Chapters from Materials

SCIENCE For Class VIII>Materials>Materials in Daily Life

This chapter teaches us about materials of different kinds and their properties. It explains plastics, their properties and their uses. It also describes types of synthetic fibres along with their properties and uses.

SCIENCE For Class VIII>Materials>Metals and Non-metals

This chapter explains metals and non-metals along with their physical and chemical properties. It discusses the reactivity of metals with acids and bases. It also contains exercises and examples to understand these concepts in detail.

SCIENCE For Class VIII>Materials>Combustion, Fuels and Flame

This chapter explains the types of combustion along with the conditions that are necessary for combustion to take place. It discusses types of combustible and non-combustible materials. It briefs on flame, kinds of fuels and their calorific value.