Alternative Sources of Energy


Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Alternative Sources of Energy

This chapter explains topics such as, sources of energy, devices based on solar energy, wind energy, water energy, etc.

Practice Other Topics from Alternative Sources of Energy

This topic explains concepts such as, Exhaustible Sources of Energy, Conventional Sources of Energy, Fossils, Inexhaustible Sources of Energy, etc.

Science>Physics>Alternative Sources of Energy>Devices Based on Solar Energy

This topic explains concepts such as, Solar Energy, Black Colour Is Good Absorber of Heat, Solar Cell, Solar Water Heater, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as, Windmills, Wind Energy Farm, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as, Hydro Power Plants, Hydro Power Plants in India, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as, Tides, Tidal Energy, Limitations of Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as, Schematic Diagram of a Biogas Plant, etc.

This topic explains concepts such as, Nuclear Energy, Energy from Nuclear Fission, Nuclear Reactors, Nuclear Power Plants in India, etc.

Science>Physics>Alternative Sources of Energy>Need of Energy and Energy Conservation

This topic explains concepts such as, Necessity of Energy in Daily Life, Conservation of Energy Resources, etc.