Machines: Overview
This Topic covers sub-topics such as Simple Machine, Complex Machine, Facts about Simple Machines and, Machine and Its Types
Important Questions on Machines
Write some places where an inclined plane helps.

What do you understand by load, effort and fulcrum?

Explain the simple machines such as lever, wedge, wheel and pulley.

Explain about different types of simple machines, its uses in detail.

The piston rod of a water pump is long, and the handle is long. Calculate
(a) the handle's mechanical advantage if the pivot handle is from the piston rod.
(b) the least effort necessary at the pivot handle's other end to overcome a resistance of .

Answer the following questions based on the given figure.
(a) Name the category of simple machine this object belongs to.
(b) Calculate mechanical advantage of this tool?
(c) Is the value calculated in part (b) is less than one? Discuss the importance of tool on the basis of result found in part (b).

Your family is shifting house and some crates are being loaded onto a truck. One of them slips and falls into a ditch. Which simple machine (or machines) will you use to get it out?

The effort arm of a lever is long and the load arm is long. Find the effort required to lift a load of in newton.

A pair of tongs is an example of lever of _____ type.

The effort arm of a lever is and the load arm is , Calculate the effort force required to lift a load of in newton.

The effort arm of a lever is long and the load arm is long. Find the effort required to lift a load of in newton.

A load of can be lifted by a force of with the help of a lever. Find the mechanical advantage?

A sewing machine is an example of simple machine.

In a lever of type three, the effort is in between the fulcrum and the load.

A load of can be lifted by a force of with the help of a lever. Find the mechanical advantage?

A _____ is used to lift and carry heavy objects like vehicles from the ground.

The effort arm of a lever is and the load arm is , Calculate the effort force required to lift a load of in newton.