Winds, Storms and Cyclones


Science Solutions from Chapter -1 - Winds, Storms and Cyclones

This chapter covers topics, such as Thunderstorms and Cyclones, Air Exerts Pressure, Effect of Heat on Air, Effective Safety Measures, Destruction Caused by Cyclones, and Role of Advanced Technology in Cyclone Warning.

Practice Other Topics from Winds, Storms and Cyclones

This topic covers concepts, such as Wind, Air Pressure, Flying of Kite, Rowing of Boat, and Riding a Bike against Wind.

Science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones>Low Pressure Due to High Speed Wind

This topic covers concepts, such as High Speed Wind Is Accompanied by Reduced Pressure and Direction of Wind Movement.

This topic covers concepts, such as Effect of Heating of Air and Warm Air Is Lighter than Cool Air.

Science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones>Effects of Uneven Heating on the Earth

This topic covers concepts, such as Effect of Uneven Heating Between the Equator and Pole, Wind Flow Pattern on Earth, Effect of Uneven Heating between Land and Water in Summer, and Effect of Uneven Heating between Land and Water in Winter.

Science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones>Thunderstorms and Cyclones

This topic covers concepts, such as Thunderstorms, Structure of Cyclone, Typhoon, Cyclones, Formation of Cyclones, Conversion of Thunderstorms into a Cyclone, Hurricane, and Tornadoes.

Science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones>Destruction Caused by Cyclones

This topic covers the concept of Destruction Caused by Cyclone.

Science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones>Effective Safety Measures

This topic covers concepts, such as Effective Safety Measures during Cyclone, Safety Measures to Be Taken during Cyclone by People, and Precautions for the People in a Cyclone Hit Area.

Science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones>Role of Advanced Technology in Cyclone Warning

This topic covers concepts, such as Cyclone Alert, Anemometer, Cyclone Warning, and Cyclone Watch.