

Physics: Overview

Physics covers chapters such as Light, Heat, Motion and Time, Electric Current and Its Effects and, Winds, Storms and Cyclones

Practice Other Chapters from Physics

This chapter covers topics, such as, Kinds of Clothes We Wear in Summer and Winter, Heat Transfer by Convection, Hot and Cold, Temperature and Its Measurements, Laboratory Thermometer & Heat Transfer by Conduction etc.

science>Physics>Winds, Storms and Cyclones

This chapter covers topics, such as, Low Pressure Due to High Speed Wind, Role of Advanced Technology in Cyclone Warning, Effect of Heat on Air & Destruction Caused by Cyclones etc.

science>Physics>Motion and Time

This chapter covers topics, such as, Distance-Time Graph, Measuring Speed, Motion, Measurement of Time & Speed etc.

science>Physics>Electric Current and Its Effects

This chapter covers topics, such as, Electromagnet, Symbols of Electronic Components, Heating Effect of Electric Current, Magnetic Effect of Electric Current & Electric Bell etc.

This chapter covers topics, such as, Sunlight : White or Coloured, Light Travels along a Straight Line, Images formed by Lenses, Reflection of Light, Images formed by Spherical Mirrors & Image Formed by Plane Mirror etc.