

Physics: Overview

Physics covers chapters such as Measurement, Reflection of Light, Transfer of Heat, Static Electricity, Heat and Temperature and, Electric Current and Its Effects

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This chapter covers topics such as Time Period of a Simple Pendulum, Measurement of Length by Indirect Methods, Accuracy of Measurement, Measurement of Speed of an Object in Motion, Distance-Time Graph, Density, and High Speed Winds and Air Pressure.

science>Physics>Heat and Temperature

This chapter covers topics such as Thermometer, Heat, a Kind of Energy, Chemical and Biological Changes, Heat and Specific Heat Capacity, Effects of Heat, Change of State, etc.

science>Physics>Transfer of Heat

This chapter covers topics such as Methods of Heat Transfer: Conduction, Methods of Heat Transfer: Radiation, Methods of Heat Transfer: Convection, Thermos Flask, etc.

science>Physics>Reflection of Light

This chapter covers topics such as Reflection by a Plane Mirror, Images formed by Lenses, Spherical Mirrors, Sunlight—White or Coloured, etc.

science>Physics>Static Electricity

This chapter covers topics such as Different Methods of Charging Objects, Charge and its Properties, Gold Leaf Electroscope, Charge in the Atmosphere, etc.

science>Physics>Electric Current and Its Effects

This chapter covers topics such as Hazards of Electric Current and the Safety Measures, Electric Conductors and Insulators, Symbols for Components of Electric Circuit, Heating Effect of Electric Current, Magnetic Effect of Electric Current, etc.